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CM, CME – pompe Grundfos orizontale multi-etajate

CM, CME – pompe Grundfos orizontale multi-etajate


CMBE, CMBE TWIN The Grundfos CMBE TWIN Booster is a compact two-booster system for water supply in domestic and commercial applications. The integrated speed controller allows the CMBE Booster to maintain constant pressure in the pipe system. A pressure sensor monitoring changes in the water consumption will signal the speed controller to change the motor speed. This way performance is adjusted according to the new state, thus running in cascade multi pump. The cascade control ensures that the performance of the CMBE Booster is automatically adapted to consumption by switching pumps on or off and by changing the speed of the pumps in operation. The system thus runs as energy-efficiently as possible with a limited number of pumps. The CMBE-TWIN Booster is very easy to install. It has UL approval. The Twin version consists of 2 units of CMBE Booster which each include
  • 5-way valve
  • expansion tank
  • pressure gauge
  • Pressure sensor
  • Cascade multi pump operation
  • Automatic pump alternation
  • Constant pressure control
  • Pipe filling
  • Compact design
  • Robust, stainless steel
  • Easy installation (Plug & Pump)
  • Dry run protection
  • Apartment buildings
  • Schools
  • Small hotels
  • Office buildings
  • Agriculture
Thermal protection CME Booster pumps require no external motor protection. The MGE motor incorporates thermal protection against slow overloading and blocking
The pump is not selfpriming. The maximum depth suction is: -1 m.

CR, CRI, CRN, CRE, CRIE, CRNE – pompe verticale multi-etajate

CR, CRI, CRN, CRE, CRIE, CRNE – pompe Grundfos verticale multi-etajate

Grup de pompare cu 1 pompa orizontala Grundfos

Grupuri de pompare cu pompe GRUNDFOS complet echipate cu tablou de comanda, vane de izolare si de retinere, colector-distribuitor.

Grup de pompare cu 2 pompe orizontale Grundfos

Grupuri de pompare cu pompe GRUNDFOS complet echipate cu tablou de comanda, vane de izolare si de retinere, colector-distribuitor.

Hidrofoare Grundfos tip JP PM1 cu presostat electronic

Hidrofor Grundfos tip JP echipat cu presostat electronic PM1

Hidrofoare Grundfos tip JP PT-H cu vas cu membrana

Hidrofoare Grundfos tip JP cu vas cu membrana si presostat.

Hidrofor Grundfos tip JP

Pompa hidrofor fabricatie Grundfos, pentru apa curata si adancie maxima de aspiratie de 8 m. Carcasa pompa din inox , rotor din material compozit, racorduri tip filet 1'', echipate cu motoare monofazate. Debit maxim: pana la 5.5 mc/h Presiune maxima: pana la 48 m Pot fi folosite ca atare in functie de sistem sau echipate cu vase cu membrana si presostate ori cu presostate electronice PM1 sau PM2.

Hydro MPC – Grupuri de pompare Grundfos

Grupuri de pompare Grundfos cu doua pana la sase pompe verticale multi-etajate.

Hydro Multi-E – grupuri de pompare Grundfos cu turatie variabila

Hydro Multi-E – grupuri de pompare Grundfos cu turatie variabila

Hydro Multi-S – grupuri de pompare Grundfos

Hydro Multi-S – grupuri de pompare Grundfos cu turatie fixa

MQ – hidrofor Grundfos

Hidrofor compact, prevazut cu recipient cu membrana de 0.5 litri, clapet de retinere, senzor lipsa apa si panou de pornire/oprire/resetare.